
Apex Consulting




  • Concept
  • Webdesign
  • UI/UX
  • Interaction Design
  • Development

The Project

WIP for my dad's company. With this one am keeping it pretty basic. Wordpress Site. Clean. Simple Animations. Wow.js / Animate.css nothing crazy no-need to reinvent the wheel. Finally convinced him to let me do it. Has been the same site since he started there 13 years ago.

Not all sites need to be crazy interactive and cutting edge. But they do all need to be effective in achieving your goals. Whatever those goals might be, a website needs to work for you. Because if it doesn't then whats the point. A lot more goes into a website than "this looks nice." As well just because a site looks amazing doesn't mean it reaches people and meets your needs as a tool.

Are you Tim Cook? Do you make iPhones and Mac Computers? If the answer is no then you don't need a website that "Looks and feels like Apple." You need a website that compliments your brand / business and meets your business / marketing goals. Having it cool and look nice as well is always nice tho. And if you are Tim Cook, email me because I have a lot of questions to ask you.


Let's Get

If you wanna learn more about me, are interested in starting a project or just want to nerd out about web stuff reach out to me, we'll grab a coffee. Or something else. But I really like coffee.
