Some Info
About Me

A Creative Developer and Designer shoveling snow in Buffalo, NY. I am a self taught Developer and Designer with roughly 7 years of experience with designing and building custom Wordpress websites of all sizes from national brands to mom and pop shops.

I design and develop websites focused on motion and interaction design and the desire to help improve a users experience through unique concepts and execution.

My work is for the creative brand that want's to stand out, lean into the weird, and do something unexpected with their presence online.

That way they can communicate their unique style and voice to their ideal audience or clientele.

WTF is a Creative Devleoper? It involves more than just making websites functional and pretty—it brings UX and UI to life and ensures that users have a memorable experience. With so many templated options in today’s web space, why not create something custom and perfectly tailored to your company? And make it look damn good too.

I have a love in my life and she is a french bulldog named The Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg, "Babe Ruth" for short.

"Please Stop Contacting Me. I told you already, I will not adopt you."
"Can you just fix my computer and stop asking me questions."

Things I Did Besides Flipping Burgers & Slinging Coffee.

UI Designer / Developer

June 2021 - Present
Buffalo, NY

Font End Web Developer / Designer

Mainstreethost (Don't Call it A Comeback!)
Aug 2019 – June 2021
Buffalo, NY

Web Developer

Mr. Smith Agency
May 2017 – Jun 2019
Buffalo, NY

Font End Web Developer / Designer

August 2014 – May 2017
Buffalo, NY

Fancy / Ornate Pieces of Paper I paid way too much money for.

Master of Arts, Inetegrated Marketing Communications

St. Bonaventure University '10

Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing

St. Bonaventure University '09

Let's Get

If you wanna learn more about me, are interested in starting a project or just want to nerd out about web stuff reach out to me, we'll grab a coffee. Or something else. But I really like coffee.